Why Couples Should Meet Fertility Doctors?

Why Couples Should Meet Fertility Doctors

Infertility is a growing concern in young married couples these days. Busy lifestyle, poor eating habits, stress, and alcohol consumption is seen as one of the prime reasons for the same. Infertility affects both men and women equally and it could be due to the problem with either of the partner that they may not be successful in conceiving.

Many couples keep trying for a good amount of time and give up later. They are reluctant to visit a fertility doctor who may be able to help them overcome this problem. Call it shyness or the taboo associated with infertility, a lot of young couples are inhabited to come forward and seek medical help. 

Reasons Couples Should Meet Fertility Doctors

Meeting a fertility doctor will only make things better and help you find a solution to your problems. Delaying the process and finding the root cause is likely to aggravate the situation and lead to further problems. If you are trying to conceive for some time now and find that there is no positive outcome then it is time that you consult a specialist who will check you and assess the situation.

Here the consultation should not only be applicable to the female partner but also the male partner. Both need to be checked thoroughly in order to eliminate any chances of infertility and then decide what to be done next. 

Besides assessing the problem and finding a root cause of the same, the doctor will advise what needs to be done in case there is a fertility issue in either of the partner. There are some simple tests like thyroid check, blood sugar level, BP is checked and any cyst (PCOD) formation in the female organ is tested for. 

In men generally, the sperm count is essential to check the cause of infertility. Due to the consumption of alcohol and smoking and an unhealthy lifestyle many men face problems related to the male reproductive system. This may mainly consist of loss of erection, poor quality sperm count and any chronic medical condition like diabetes or even inflammation and infection of the organ. 

Alcohol Consumption and Infertility 

There is strong medical evidence available to prove that infertility is caused majorly due to alcohol consumption in both males and females. In the current lifestyle scenario, both men and women increase in drinking and smoking and that puts them at a high risk of facing infertility problems later in life. There are specific guidelines that have been laid out for both men and women especially those trying to conceive.

It is highly recommended that women and men wanting to have a baby should not consume alcohol at any cost so that the baby does not develop any health issues later. Much to the surprise very few young would-be patients understand this and continue to indulge in these two activities. Your fertility is in your hands. Keep a check on the above points and all will be in your favor.

Ayush Health Clinic succeeded in giving many couples positive result even there is no hope found for fertility in their case. It happens due to our expert infertility doctors in Bangalore, they never let any patient down. They try hard to find out every possible solution so that a couple should realize a dream of becoming parents. Book an Appointment Today!