Tired With Unsuccessful Results? Consult Infertility Specialist

Tired With Unsuccessful Results Consult Infertility Specialist

Infertility can take a toll on one’s mental and emotional health and cause one to feel dejected and depressed. Especially for women, it can be a great cause of worry as they are mostly seen as the ones who may be facing this problem between the two partners. Least do we realize that infertility can affect both male and female partner and blaming anyone one is not going to soothe the issue? A lot of couples try to convince naturally but do not get the desired results. While it may take some time for the baby to be conceived, in some cases it takes longer than usual. In other extreme cases, there may be no outcome at all and you may have to seek medical help.

How does one know when it’s is time for medical intervention? What are the tell-tale signs that may lead you to know that you are possibly suffering from infertility and it needs to be treated if you want to have a possibility of conceiving? The answer is simple. If you have tried many times but there is no positive outcome cine thank the right thing is to visit a medical specialist who will do a thorough checkup and give you the possible causes of the condition.  

Visiting a gynecologist should not be seen as an intimidating experience that you would want to avoid. Instead, it is a right step in the direction that will lead you to positive results and increase your prospects of conceiving a baby at the earliest. Isn’t it that you want the same for you and your partner?

In the following lines, we give you some of the possible causes in both men and women that could be termed as signs of infertility.

If a woman is unable to conceive for more than stew 8 months then it may be likely that there is an infertility issue. Blood of women face related to evolution cycle and therefore have irregularity of periods. If the egg is not ovulating at the time every month and there is a lot of change in the time then it is possible that there could be a concerning issue. Many times age also a role in conception. Women beyond the age of 35 generally take longer to conceive and have higher chances of infertility. Once a woman reaches the age of 30, it is better to start planning a child, you have not done so in the past. With age your chances a smooth pregnancy decrease due to a lot of health factors. Lifestyle changes, unhealthy eating habits, consumption of alcohol and smoking are also seen as reasons that lead to infertility in both men and women.

Infertility can be the biggest challenge for a man. Causes of infertility in men may be many and are largely attributed to low sperm count and poor quality of the same. Problems in performing the sexual activity and reduced sexual desire are also seen as a possible cause. Infection and swelling in the reproductive organ and also any history of prostate or sexual disorder should not be overlooked. Consultation with a specialist is the best thing to address any infertility related issues in both men and women. 

For best results, it is recommended to meet infertility specialists in Bangalore at best clinic like Ayush Health Clinic