Tips to reduce male infertility

Tips to reduce male infertility

Male infertility is causing an increasing threat to a normal and healthy sexual life between couples and further jeopardizing the chances of conceiving.

Almost one in every 8 couples today is having difficulties conceiving a child and the problem could be attributed to either male or female infertility. 

Out of the 8 couples mentioned, nearly half of them are struggling with issues related to male infertility.

Reasons, why male infertility is caused, are possible because of very low sperm count, abnormality in the functioning of the sperm, certain blockages that may prevent the delivery of the sperm, any kind of infection or injury, and also chronic health problems.

Another important aspect is some of the lifestyle choices that most people today make.  They lead very hectic lives that eventually take a toll on their sexual health as well.

Male infertility issues are on the rise for these very reasons. To add to this, a lot of men today are into smoking and alcohol which is a major contributing factor to decreasing male sexual health.

It is a proven fact that men who are engaged in drinking and smoking, show higher signs of infertility and an inability to make their partners conceive a  child. It also contributes to low sexual appetite and most couples seem to drift apart due to this.

So what is it that one can do to counter infertility problems and be able to conceive a child without any issue?

First and foremost is to reduce the usage of any kind of drug or alcohol that one may be on. This will greatly help to improve the sperm count and have positive outcomes if practiced diligently.

Reduced dependency on alcohol can also help keep you away from certain chronic illnesses and help you remain fit.

Weight is another important aspect that one must work on in order to improve their chances of conceiving a child at the earliest. 

Weight can be a contributory factor and leads to certain other Lifestyle diseases.  Obesity can lead to impaired sperm count and the inability to perform well.

It is therefore very important to keep your weight in check and look out for any obesity-related diseases that may further add to the chances of infertility.

Leading a healthy lifestyle incorporating a nutritional diet in your everyday life will help immensely.

Reduce the consumption of anything that may build up any kinds of toxins in the body.  Try to keep it clear of toxic substances and you will see the difference. 

This also includes Limited exposure to certain chemicals, reducing the usage of toxic material, and harmful radiations coming from technological devices.

Last but not the least, make sure that you change to healthy eating habits. Diet plays a very important role in your overall health and well-being and mental health.

Make your routine with no stress as much as possible and be more positive in your life & you will definitely find changes.