Symptoms And Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction: When Should You Consult A Doctor?

Noticed Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms? Consult Doctor!

The inability to get a penal erection or make it last until sexual intercourse is called erectile dysfunction. It can happen once in a while. This might happen due to exhaustion or lack of interest at that moment. However, it does not pose a problem. But, if it lasts for a long time, it is imperative to get erectile dysfunction treatment. Ayush Health Clinic provides the best Erectile Dysfunction Treatment in Bangalore.

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunctions

The following are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction:

Complete inability to get an erection.

Getting erection sometimes but not enough to have sexual intercourse.

Lack of desire to have sex.

Please do not ignore these symptoms as it might be indicators of an underlying health issue.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction might be either because of physical or psychological problems. You might be able to figure out the cause of this issue yourself. But it is better to get Erectile Dysfunction treatment to ensure that no health issue is going unnoticed.

Erectile Dysfunction: Physical causes

Erectile dysfunction may be due to several reasons as a male erection is a result of complex bodily functions. It involves hormones, emotions, thoughts, muscles, and blood vessels. So, many other physical issues might cause trouble in having an erection. One of the widespread cases is excessive tobacco use. As tobacco affects the nervous system, it can cause a lack of erection. Following are other common issues that result in erectile dysfunction:

High cholesterol or blood pressure


Heart disease

Some prescription medicines or any other type of substance abuse

Prostate cancer or enlarged prostate



These might not be obvious and need a medical diagnostic to find out the underlying health conditions. Erectile Dysfunction treatment in Bangalore is available to help you out in these cases. Even if you are not comfortable with disclosing it, you should consult a doctor.

Erectile Dysfunction: Psychological causes

Sex drive and erections are not just a physical process. The entire process of sexual rush and desire starts in the brain. Only after that, the body takes over. So, the problem of erectile dysfunction may be a psychological issue that is stopping you from getting the sexual excitement needed. In such cases, we can resolve the issue by treating the physiological problems. Stress or depression is a major cause of today’s youth’s erectile dysfunction. Many men have erectile dysfunction even due to stress in the workplace. Other causes include:

Anxiety or nervousness

Relationship problems between the partners

Low self-esteem

Fear of failure to satisfy the other person


Most of the time, the problem is the mixture of both physical and psychological issues. When we tend to both of these, erectile dysfunction naturally goes away. While the problem lasts, it can lead to various complications. Unsatisfactory sex life and related relationship problems are one of those complications. Many times it causes stress and anxiety, which in turn worsens the condition.

That is why it is better to seek help at the earliest. For people in Bangalore, Erectile Dysfunction treatment by experts is provided by Ayush Health Clinic, which offers the best treatment for erectile dysfunction in Bangalore.