Some Commonly Misunderstood Facts About Infertility

Some Commonly Misunderstood Facts About Infertility

Infertility is an often misunderstood topic that gives way to confusion and inaccurate information that can cloud the facts. The primary cause of infertility is difficult to determine. Still, it might include inadequate levels of certain reproductive hormones both in men and women, in addition to trouble with ovulation in women.

The main symptom is the inability to get pregnant. Several treatments have been devised to improve the chances of getting pregnant significantly. This includes procedures like hormone treatments, fertility drugs, and surgery. Being informed and well aware of infertility, facts about it, and symptoms can help you make the right decisions regarding treatment and recovery.

Here are some of the facts about infertility that one should be aware of

Both Men and Women Can Be Infertile

Infertility is referred to as a disease of the reproductive system that affects both men and women. This shows that it is decisive to test the male partner’s fertility and the female partner’s fertility during the initial infertility workup.

According to experts, in more than half of the infertility cases, the malefactor is the primary cause, making it imperative to review the male’s test results—as part of the diagnostic workup, in addition to the female’s.

Secondary Infertility is Always Possible

The inability to naturally conceive or carry the child to term after conceiving one or more children is called secondary infertility. It is quite common. Unlike those with primary infertility, people with secondary infertility are much less likely to avail of infertility treatments.

Some people avoid treatment out of guilt or shame, and others because of confusion about being infertile after having a child or children. Several factors can cause secondary infertility, like damaged or blocked fallopian tubes, advanced maternal age, problems with ovulation, endometriosis, and sperm production problems.

IVF is Typically Not the First Step.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is commonly considered an advanced treatment. Most patients can achieve pregnancy without the need for IVF. However, some patients with blocked Fallopian tubes or advanced maternal age might have to consult a doctor for IVF or donor egg treatment due to their diagnosis.

While IVF does offer outstanding success rates, it may not always be necessary. More than half of the treatment cycles are considered basic treatments.

Infertility is not hereditary.

Commonly, hereditary is not a significant factor that leads to infertility. But certain health conditions that run in the family can affect the woman’s health and can interfere with her ability to get pregnant.

Stress can possibly affect the fertility of both men and women.

It is commonly believed that stress can affect only the woman’s body. But this is not true. Stress can reduce libido or sex drive in both genders and in turn, reduce the frequency of intercourse. In women, the ovulation and fertilization process gets affected by stress, and in men, the quality and quantity of the sperm produced are reduced.


The treatment plan for infertility is different for every individual. Only after thoroughly analyzing your symptoms and other factors can the doctor devise an efficient treatment plan.

Ayush Health Clinic offers several specialized treatment procedures for infertility in both men and women, promising them the very best chance possible of a successful pregnancy.