Sexologists Explain How Smoking Harm Sexual Health

Smoking decreases fertility, libido, and sexual performance. 

Cigarette smoke contains ammonia, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen cyanide. 

Smoking also harms fertility and sexual function. 

Men can develop erectile dysfunction and low sperm counts from smoking, while women can have trouble conceiving. 

Smoking also lowers arousal for both sexes by affecting blood pressure and circulation. 

Sexual dysfunction includes issues with sexual response, desire, orgasm, or pain. This article discusses smoking’s effects on sexuality.


A sexologist in Bangalore can tell you that the more cigarettes you smoke, the more likely you are to experience sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction. 

Problems like this can arise:

Erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction means a person who is not able to keep his erection strong while having intercourse with his partner. 

ED is more common in men who smoke. 

A man’s risk rises in proportion to his smoking frequency and duration. 

The reason is cigarette smoke can narrow blood vessels, which in turn reduces blood supply to the penis.

Loss of desire

A person’s libido is their inclination to engage in sexual relations. 

Some people call it sex drive as well. 

One study found that smoking reduced libido in men. 

The number of men who reported having low libido was much higher among current smokers compared to nonsmokers.

Reduced stamina

Experts say smoking is bad for your health and that it can lower your stamina and general well-being. 

It may affect how well a person performs sexually. 

Limitations in physical activity may result from smoking-related illnesses such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, respiratory diseases, and others.

Very few sperm

A man’s sperm count drops dramatically if he smokes, say sexologists. 

Smoking lowers sperm count, which in turn lowers fertility, raises the risk of miscarriage, and increases the likelihood of congenital abnormalities.


Cigarette smoke can impede a woman’s ability to have a sexual encounter. The problem that follows may arise:

Decreased excitement

Blood vessel damage and reduced blood flow can be consequences of smoking. 

Because the walls of blood vessels thicken with age, adequate blood flow throughout the body becomes more of a challenge.

Smoking may lessen arousal feelings by reducing blood flow to the vaginal region. It might be hard for some people to get an orgasmic experience.

Decreased libido

If smoking lowers a woman’s libido, the evidence is mixed. 

Compared to nonsmokers, female smokers reported a higher desire for sex and were more likely to have engaged in sexual activity within the last four weeks. 

Sexologist says that women who were dependent on nicotine had less sex drives.

Earlier menopause

As per the sexologist, a woman may suffer menopause for up to two years prior to non-smokers. 

Menopause symptoms might be more intense for them as well.

One possible explanation is that smoking lowers estrogen levels in women. 

Dizziness, lethargy, and vaginal dryness are symptoms of low estrogen levels.

Problems with fertility and difficulties during pregnancy

The sexologist has found that smoking can affect fertility. 

An individual may find it more challenging to conceive if they smoke. 

Pregnant women and their unborn children are more vulnerable to the negative health effects of smoking. 

Some examples are:

  • miscarriage
  • stillbirth
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • problems with the placenta

A woman who has the habit of smoking, and her child may have the risk of a cleft palate or lip.


A person’s sex life may suffer if they smoke. 

Issues with fertility, libido, performance, and pleasure in sexual encounters may arise. 

Without treatment, sexual dysfunction, which affects both sexes equally, can cause stress and relationship problems. 

Stopping smoking improves fertility, erectile dysfunction, and sexual pleasure in men.