Sexologist: Solution to all your sex problems

Sexologist- Solution to all your sex problems

Every single sexually active human experiences some kind of sexual issue at some point or other, most of them being treatable. More often than not, sexual problems arise due to various underlying factors, arise due to lack of knowledge or due to psychological issues.

Causes of sexual problems:

As mentioned above, the sex problems could be of physical or psychological type, both of which are treatable.

  1. Physical issues: These problems arise due to some kind of physical or medical condition, either in a male or a female. Majorly, it could be because of uneven sugar levels, menopause, hormonal imbalance, and surgeries of any kind, kidney issues, and heart malfunction. Also, excess consumption of alcohol and drug abuse could contribute to sexual issues. Apart from these, usages of medications often interfere with sexual drive and make thereby cause sexual problems, for both- males as well as females.
  2. Psychological issues: These issues are more prominent than the former one. Lack of sexual drive occurs because of underlying mental trauma or depression. Sometimes, nervousness also contributes to various sexual problems and related issues. Also, work-related problems and stress could pile up in the sex-related problems.
  3. Often, age also plays a major factor in developing sex-related problems, because of the sexual desire decreasing with age, both in men and women alike.

Dealing with sexual problems:

Enjoying intercourse is important for both males and females, alike. However, facing either one or more of the above problems could sometimes pose a major problem in the relationship. Dealing with these issues is not difficult as is often thought. A sexologist, sex doctor can easily solve all of the sex related problems, with both the partner’s consent. The treatment would often involve:

  1. Talking to your partner openly, with any issue that comes up during the intercourse. An open conversation between the partners is important. A sexologist would ease up the process. This step is often the most important one to overcome any sex related problems.
  2. Getting proper diagnosis for the underlying medical conditions in either of the partner, followed by the willingness of the partner to undergo treatment to overcome problem.
  3. Avoiding excess consumption  of alcohol and cutting down drug abuse, by one or both the partners.
  4. Creating a stress free environment for both the partners, for each other. Communication is the key for both the partners and would enable them towards becoming an enjoyment for each other.
  5. Trying to overcome grief and depression before indulging into sexual activities.
  6. Creativity in the bedroom could also help both the partners to have a better sexual routine. And also, enhancing the sexual drive by focusing on both the partner’s needs towards sexual enjoyment.

Like any other issue, sexual problems are often inside the head and can be easily overcome. This would happen only if both the partners are willing to contribute in the process. A sexologist down the lane would help both the partners overcome their individual problems and enable them to have a better and pleasure filled relationship ahead.