Several Reasons to Consult Specialists for Spermatorrhea Treatment

Reasons to Consult Specialists for Spermatorrhea Treatment

For a layman, the term Spermatorrhea would be too intricate to deal with but this is a common disease wherein males ejaculate excessively and this is just an involuntary ejaculation. Some people think it normal but this disorder is a recognized disorder in traditional Chinese medicine. Ayush Health Clinic knows this and extends its helping hands to the victims of Spermatorrhea. It can be due to certain patterns of involuntary ejaculations that reflect the issues with the kidney. 

How do you know you have Spermatorrhea? 

Along with the excessive ejaculation, you will begin to experience weakness, loss of appetite, frequent urination, lassitude, and the symptoms continue for about two months. If this is happening to you, you have spermatorrhea. 

If you are showing these symptoms it is time for you to go in for the treatment of spermatorrhea from the right place. Ayush Health Clinic is the place you should reach out to. These top sexologists in Bangalore ensure that you get the best treatment and faster relief. So, when you have this issue, there is nothing to feel any guilt or shame about it. Seek the help of experts at Ayush Health Clinic and bid adieu to this disease forever. 

What Triggers Spermatorrhea? 

Spermatorrhea is caused by emotional imbalances, excessive sexual activities, consuming alcohol and more. It can lead to the imbalance of liver, spleen, kidneys, and heart, etc. If you think you have this pathological disorder then you need to get in touch with Ayush Health Clinic. 

What Not To Do When You Have Spermatorrhea?

Spermatorrhea is a pathological disease. If you are experiencing its symptoms you have to give up the habit of over-masturbation that you may have and follow a healthy lifestyle pattern including a well-balanced diet and exercises. You need to understand that the basic cause of it lies in your brain and hence it is good to work towards doing away the stress and tension-build ups in your life and seek the help of well-qualified medical practitioners working at Ayush Health Clinic. 

When Should You Reach Out to Hospital?

If you have spermatorrhea for more than 2 or 3 weeks or during the day time in combination with the dizziness, drained out energy levels and weakness of legs and lower back, insomnia and more, it is time for you to seek medical care before the disease can turn worse. Reach out to the top sex doctors in Bangalore working at Ayush Health Clinic. You will get a faster and more effective cure that would help you lead a happy life forever.

Wide Assortment of Treatments Possible:

Spermatorrhea is also referred to as “seminal weakness” and several people suffer from this particular disorder. So, if you are experiencing it of late there is nothing to worry about. Ayush Health Clinic has a sure-shot cure for this particular disease. A variety of drugs is normally advised as a primary treatment mode but there are herb healers and surgical procedures like circumcision and castration that are generally advised for the treatment. 

Since Ayush Health Clinic believes in holistic care that can heal you from inside-out, it would guide you towards the right path and cure the disease of its roots. 

Get Treated for Underlying Medical Condition if it is Spermatorrhea:

If you have this medical agony that you are suffering from Spermatorrhea because of the over-masturbation or any other such other sexual urge, it should be done away with. Spermatorrhea is not the result of masturbation alone. This medical condition can be the result of the consumption of excessive alcohol or any other physical condition affecting mental health. This holds good for any other sexual disease that you may be suffering from and get the right type of guidance at Ayush Health Clinic by the professional experts.