Nightfall : Here is what you must know about nightfall During the teenage phase, everybody experiences sudden changes inside the body as well as outside. These changes being uncomfortable, initially often creates confusion and instills a sense of awkwardness among…
Sex doctor? What do you do?’
‘Sex doctor? What do you do?’ We read columns in newspapers and watch advertisements on television where people seek sex advice and ask experts regarding sexual problems and dysfunctions. Most of us have such queries or conditions that need to…
Know how to overcome the hurdle of infertility
Know how to overcome the hurdle of infertility Every couple dreams to ascertain the continuance of their progeny. The desire to have their kids with features and habits similar to their’s is something every couple wants for themselves. However, several…
Symptoms of adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulders
Symptoms of adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulders Almost 3 percent of the world’s population suffers from adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulders). Many a time people misunderstand as arthritis, but it is not as it happens only in the joints of the…
What To Look Out For While Diagnosed With Psoriasis?
What is Psoriasis and how is it diagnosed? Psoriasis is a chronic common skin condition. The condition speeds up the life cycle of skin cells hence they build up on the surface of the skin. They go on to form…
Why Females Should Not Ignore Their PCOD Issues?
However modern the generation and times may become, women, in particular, has to go through various transitional periods in their lifetime which no doubt leaves a mark on their emotional, physical and most importantly hormonal stability. The anatomy of females…
Is Vertigo Treatment Necessary?
If you have been to amusement park rides,you might know what vertigo is like – the feeling that the world is spinning around you.So,Vertigo is a sensation where a person feels as if they or the objects are moving around…
The Fatality Of Ignoring Sexual Dysfunctions
Sexual issues can be physical or psychological and occur in any part of one’s sexual response cycle. Acknowledging these issues and communicating them to the doctor and partner is crucial so that we can correct them and prevent something worse.…
Do Not Worry: Erectile Dysfunction Is Treatable
Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a buzz kill for men and women alike, because of the inability of a man to retain an erect penis during an intercourse. This may occur due to a multitude of reasons, most common of…
Cupping Your Pain Through Therapy: Advantages Of Cupping
The human body is a myriad of maladies. It faces various changes regularly and is subjected to a lot of aggression. It is this body which justifies us as humans. So, in a way, it becomes our responsibility to take…