Sexual desire or drive, also known as libido, is a person’s interest to seek and engage in sexual activities. Often in the daily hum-drum, it becomes difficult to pursue one’s libido, which may lead to a decline of desire at…
Scouting For The Best Sex Therapist
The need for sex therapy Sex therapy is a type of psychotherapy that helps treat mental health problems related to sexual complications, sexual desires, intimacy issues, etcetera. It is essential to ensure that one shares their most intimate moments, such…
Male Infertility: What Causes It
Male infertility is diagnosed due to low sperm production, blockages that restrict the delivery of sperm, or even abnormal sperm function that makes the male unable to conceive a child. Statistics reveal that around 15% of couples are infertile and…
Some Commonly Misunderstood Facts About Infertility
Infertility is an often misunderstood topic that gives way to confusion and inaccurate information that can cloud the facts. The primary cause of infertility is difficult to determine. Still, it might include inadequate levels of certain reproductive hormones both in…
Factors That Play A Role In Male Infertility
Fertility is a critical aspect of one’s body for many individuals. Research suggests that in one-third of the cases, male infertility plays a role. The underlying causes of male infertility are varied, such as low sperm count, abnormal sperm function,…
Sciatica: Diagnosis and Treatment
Sciatica is most common in individuals aged 30-50. Though not common, sciatica is a condition that occurs due to a nerve that carries signals from the brain, through the spinal cord, to the legs. This nerve is the sciatica nerve,…
Sexologist: Solution to all your sex problems
Every single sexually active human experiences some kind of sexual issue at some point or other, most of them being treatable. More often than not, sexual problems arise due to various underlying factors, arise due to lack of knowledge or…
Know why penis enhancement is talk of the town?
Know why penis enhancement is talk of the town? People face many types of insecurities and unreal expectations from themselves. These expectations can either be related to career, mental, emotional, sexual, social or physical aspects. When someone goes through such…
Tips for finding the best fertility center around you!
Tips for finding the best fertility center around you! The journey of being a parent is a long and strenuous one. You get to learn a variety of things while you are on the road to parenting. One of the…
Hirudotherapy: ‘Leeching’ through medications
Hirudotherapy: ‘Leeching’ through medications Leeches have been successfully used to treat a wide variety of diseases since the ancient times. Till date, the blood sucking insects have been used to treat nervous system abnormalities, skin diseases, dental problems, and infections.…