Masturbation: Self-pleasure or self-abuse

Masturbation Self-pleasure or self abuse

Masturbation is self-stimulation of genitals to feel aroused and achieve orgasm but there are many misconceptions when it comes to it. While some people believe masturbation is harmful and avoid talking about it, others think it is normal and believe it is safe. Research shows that more than 90% male and 89% female masturbate. Yes, it is that common, but the problem is too much of anything is always bad. Excessive masturbation leads to both physical and emotional problems. According to a recent study, people who masturbate often suffer from anxiety, guilt and sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and other hormonal problems.

Is masturbation normal?

The concept of masturbation may seem like a sexual act that is only performed by adults but it is actually a part of growing up. Masturbation starts in children in the form of exploration of their body. Researchers and sexologists today believe that masturbation is a healthy sexual act. It helps in relieving stress and making a person happier. But the thing is once this sexual act turns to an addiction it leads to grave consequences.

In men, this sexual act of self-pleasure is generally performed by rubbing the penile structure with hands. This self-stimulation technique is not a physical abnormality but misuse of this sexual power can be harmful if done excessively. Most of the men who masturbate too much can unknowingly damage their veins in the penis. In addition to that excessive release of semen due to frequent masturbation can cause loss of immunity and can even lead to impotence.

In women, the dangers of excessive masturbation are as dangerous as in men. Too much rubbing of colitis in women can not only cause injury to their vaginal area but leads to other problems as well. Women who masturbate daily are more prone to getting an infection. Although medical science considers masturbation to be harmless and a great way to release sexual tension, long-term addiction can lower sexual drive in women.

Following are side effects of masturbation in both men and women.

  • When masturbation turns to addiction emotional disconnect with the partner and disinterest in other hobbies becomes clear.
  • Aggressive rubbing and too much friction cause injuries and problems of pain and irritation in the genitals. This further causes emotional distress and depression in patients.
  • Frequent masturbation causes problems like headache, backache, weakness and even effects eyesight.
  • Constant urge of self-pleasure takes away all the interest in other things in life. People who masturbate daily also show a lack of interest in having a sexual relationship with their partner. This often creates a problem in the relationship and even leads to marital discord.

Other than these side-effects, there are certain health problems that can cause damage not only to your sex life but your life as a whole.

Major health problem caused by excessive masturbation

From the point of view of medical science, if masturbation is hindering your personal life, it is time to visit a doctor. Thankfully, our goal at ‘Ayush Health Clinic‘ Is the complete satisfaction of our patients with effective treatments offered by our skilled doctors. Here are a few things you must know about masturbation.

  • Masturbating frequently can lower sperm count and sperm leakage problem in men.
  • Hormonal problems are common in men and women who masturbate excessively.
  • Fatigue and weakness caused by a decrease in testosterone hormone in men leadto a weak immune system.
  • Masturbating multiple times a day for a long period of time can cause loss of sensitivity and sexual dissatisfaction in a woman.
  • Weak erection and early ejaculation is the most common problem caused by too much self-stimulation.

Lastly, remember only knowledge is not going to bring your sexual vitality back. Your life is in your hands, so do not hesitate to ask a question and let our doctors restore your happiness and health.