Male Infertility: What Causes It

Male Infertility: What Causes It

Male infertility is diagnosed due to low sperm production, blockages that restrict the delivery of sperm, or even abnormal sperm function that makes the male unable to conceive a child. Statistics reveal that around 15% of couples are infertile and that over a third of these couples – it is the male that’s often found to be infertile.

This often leads to a cause for concern for couples who wanted to start a family, however, there have been many infertility treatments introduced through the years in order to tackle the issue.

Medical Causes of Male Infertility

There are a number of health issues and medical treatments that could result in infertility in males. Some of them are listed below:

  • Varicocele: A varicocele is one of the most common causes of male infertility, and is caused by the swelling of veins. The swelling causes draining of the testicle, which leaves the male with reduced quality of sperm.
  • Infection: Infections in the reproductive area can interfere with sperm health or sperm production, and can sometimes even cause a blockage that would restrict the flow of sperm.
  • Infections like an inflammation of the epididymis, an inflammation of the testicles, or infection from sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea or HIV can cause infertility.
  • Tumor: Cancer or other nonmalignant tumors can have a direct effect on the male reproductive organs through the male hormonal glands, such as the pituitary gland.
  • Past Surgeries: There are quite a number of surgeries that would prevent sperm production, such as vasectomy, scrotal/testicular surgeries, chemotherapy, and even radiation.
  • For most of these cases, surgery can be performed in order to reverse the after-effects of these surgeries.

Health and Lifestyle Causes of Male Infertility

  • Exposure to Industrial Chemicals/Heavy Metals: Prolonged exposure to chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, organic solvents, lead and other heavy metals may contribute to lower sperm counts
  • Drug Misuse: Steroids to enhance muscle strength, cocaine and marijuana can cause the testicles to shrink, essentially decreasing the flow and quality of the sperm. It advised that males refrain from indulging in the harmful usage of these drugs.
  • Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol consumption can lead to lower testosterone levels, resulting in erectile dysfunction and a decreased production of sperm. Excessive drinking also causes liver disease, which will cause significant fertility problems.
  • Smoking: Men who smoke have been diagnosed with lower sperm count compared to those who don’t, and it is believed that secondhand smoking also affects male fertility.
  • Depression: Research and conducted trials have revealed that severe depression in the male partner lessens the possibility of conceiving. Depression also causes sexual dysfunction due to impaired libido, erectile dysfunction, and delayed ejaculation.

The above are some of the most common causes for male infertility, and can often cause a strain in men due to their inability to conceive, and may cause problems in the relationship.

However, there are many surgeries and procedures, such as vitro fertilization, offered by Ayush Health Clinic that can help overcome male infertility, and turn sperm production back to normal.