Leech Therapy Helps to Heal Many Diseases

Leech Therapy Helps to Heal Many Diseases

Leeches are small insects that are usually best left alone. Many people are afraid of leeches as these insects, once attached to a person’s body will suck blood till it explodes and leave behind quite a painful sting and wound. But the ancient therapists saw a chance of medical healing with the help of leeches. Their experiment with leeches gave rise to the well-known leech therapy. Nowadays, many people opt to go for leech therapy to heal certain diseases.

What is Leech Therapy?

  • Leech therapy is done with the help of leeches. The leeches that are bred specifically for medicinal purposes have a row of small and sharp teeth with three jaws.
  • These leeches are then placed on specific points of the body where the small bugs help to extract the extra blood. The leeches are then detached from the body once the amount of blood that is needed to be drawn out is complete.
  • The proteins and peptides that the leeches release during the therapy session assist in healing a lot of diseases. Leech therapy has been in use in many well-known civilizations like the Egyptian civilization, Chinese civilization, etc.

How Is Leech Therapy Beneficial?

  • Medically leech therapy has been proven to be beneficial on many accounts. It has not only helped to deal with several diseases but has also lent a helping hand in cosmetic surgeries and microsurgeries.
  • The therapy does not leave a scar behind. The Y- shaped wounds that are left behind after the therapy is over, heals fast without leaving in any scar.
  • The therapy costs are cheaper than other medical treatments. Also, it is healthier and you can easily have as many sessions as you like.
  • Other than the cost factor, you can treat diseases like inflammation, arthritis, hypertension, blood clots, etc.
  • Being an old method of treatment, the therapy has evolved a lot over time and now only leeches brought in from Sweden and Hungary are used for the therapy.
  • Leech therapy is done by expert therapists and often you can get a permanent solution to your disease with only a few sessions.

Where Can You Get Leech Therapy Done?

There are many places where you can get Leech therapy done. Special therapy clinics have come up with leech therapy as their specialty. You can take the expert advice of therapists and find out the best medical clinics in your locality which gives leech therapy.

Diseases That Can Be Treated Via Leech Therapy

Experts are discovering more benefits in Leech therapy and more and more diseases are being added. The healing powers of the therapy are being still explored and sicknesses like hypertension, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, skin problems, arthritis, and inflammations are often treated through leech therapy. If you are having blood clots, then instead of going for surgery you can ask your doctor if opting for leech therapy is possible. The procedure is less time taking and also almost pain-free. It also helps you to heal quickly by sucking out the extra blood and improving your blood circulation.

If you are suffering from any of above-mentioned disease and looking for leech therapy in Bangalore then Consult Ayush Health Clinic. We are specialized in offering leech therapy with awesome outcomes.