Impact Of Low Libido In Your Life

Impact Of Low Libido In Your Life

Sexual desire or drive, also known as libido, is a person’s interest to seek and engage in sexual activities. Often in the daily hum-drum, it becomes difficult to pursue one’s libido, which may lead to a decline of desire at some point in one’s life.

 It might be surprising to hear, but low sex drive is a prevalent issue and very sensitive. Often people refuse to talk, dismissing it for some random cause. Every individual has their level of sexual desire.

When a person observes the absence of the desire for sex altogether, they must seek advice to understand the cause.

What are the usual causes of low sexual desire?

While the generic causes can be the rising stress levels, unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol addiction, depression, and rigid work-life balance, the absence of sexual desire may be because of an underlying medical problem.

Yes, you read that right. Here’s a look at some medical issues that may be the actual culprits:

Hormonal Imbalance – The wrong balance of hormones can bring drastic changes in your body, both physical and mental. These could be triggered by changes in the body or when consuming certain medications.

Sexual Dysfunction – Erectile dysfunction, Vaginal Tightening (vaginismus), Inability to orgasm or ejaculate, pain in genitals during sex, or any such physical hurdle in the sexual response cycle might hamper libido.

Blood/Organ Disorders – Diseases related to blood like diabetes, cancer, blood pressure, cirrhosis, hypogonadism, heart ailments, or the medicines used to treat generic health issues can disrupt the level of libido.

Mental Wellbeing – Clinical depression and anxiety are prominent and the most common causes of the absence of sexual desire.

One can undoubtedly analyze themself to understand if any persistent health issue is impacting their libido. But the only way to ascertain the cause is by consulting a trusted sexologist.

But how can a sexologist In Bangalore help?

A sexologist can help you determine whether the low libido is due to any medical condition or if any physical or mental strain is at work. For one, the medical practitioner can detect:

Diseases & Disorders – Any chronic or systemic illness, body disorders, or sexual dysfunction that might be impacting your libido

Medication after effects – Birth control pills, hormone tablets, antidepressants, and many prescription medicines reduce sex drive.

Anxiety & Depression – Pinpoint whether mental stress and workaholic lifestyle are weighing you over.

Aging – Natural decrease in libido during phases of aging like low testosterone or during menopause.

Medical issues can affect you at any given age. The ideal time to consult a sexologist is when facing a sudden absence of sex drive, low libido for an extended period, or notice more down than normal libido affecting general well being.

An experienced sexologist will suggest the right medications, therapy options, diet changes and provide appropriate care Sexual wellness must be encouraged; one must seek medical services without any inhibitions when in doubt.

Ayush Health Clinic offers that platform for individuals. Have concerns about the absence of sexual desire? Book your appointment at Ayush Health Clinic today.