
How Technology can affect your sexual life?

While we cannot deny the fact that technology is present in our lives and has made things much easier and quicker for us. But there is anoverturn to this.

Technology has also been keeping us occupied for longer durations of time and we are hooked to it for various reasons.

This has had certain implications on our personal lives as well. And one can see that it is seeping into our day-to-day lives in a way that we have very little time for ourselves or our loved ones.

Coming to the point, technology has definitely affected most people’s intimate life and this is a known fact.

In this blog, we will provide certain things on

How technology has started to affect sexual health in today’s couples and is giving rise to certain modern-day sexual health issues in both men as well as women.

The use of Wireless devices is increasingly on the rise and whether we like it or not but we are constantly exposed to these on a regular basis. 

Be it work from home,  entertainment,  being updated with social media or other means of comfort in our living spaces,   technology is almost everywhere.

The not-so-good news is that excessive use of each of these devices can cause harm to our sexual health as these devices send out radiations that are highly responsible for bringing down the quality of your sperm count.

One does not realize the fact that we are constantly exposed to radiation from the laptops that are very close to our body and this can further cause problems in terms of infertility and low sperm count.

This can also lead to certain genetic conditions that may manifest in the coming generation.

Another important aspect that Technology is taking a toll on is our sleep cycle and this directly affects the quality of our sex life.

You have to compromise with your daily routine and you’re constantly exposed to the screen and your mind is engaged somewhere else.

Adding to this one may suffer from insomnia that can turn into a medical condition and you may have to see a doctor for it.

When you are deprived of sleep, you are constantly tired and fatigued and this may hamper your chances of a healthy sexual life.

You may feel disinterested or unable to arouse yourself for an intimate moment. This may further lead to disappointment and feelings of helplessness for you and your partner.

This is a vicious cycle and one needs to identify the root cause so as to save oneself from all the misery that it may bring.

Technology is here to stay and is an integral part of our day-to-day life. But it is in our hands as to how much we allow it to overpower our lives. Your sexual health is in your own hands. If you have any such concerns and would like a consultation of sexologist, reach us and we will be more than glad to help you