Get semen analysis to cure infertility issues

Get semen analysis to cure infertility issues

Infertility issues are one of the growing concerns for men today. There are numerous reasons why a person may develop infertility issues and it is important to get this condition rectified by a specialist at the earliest.

One of the common reasons for male infertility is sperm count. Analysis of the sperm can greatly help to understand why the infertility issue is arising and how one can treat it.

 In most couples, It is seen that the women are the ones taking treatment for infertility. In certain cases, the cause of the inability to conceive may also be because of sperm issues in the male.

In about 40 to 50% of the cases, it is the malefactor that is responsible for infertility issues. It is therefore important that men should get themselves tested so as to eliminate this possibility.

 If the issue related to the sperm is identified correctly then it can greatly help to overcome this problem.

In this particular blog, we help you take through some of the very important aspects that will give you knowledge about Semen analysis, what are the possible factors that contribute to this, and how to go about consulting your doctor for the same.

Some of the takeaways are as follows.

You cannot determine the presence of infertility just by carrying out the Semen analysis.

There can be a lot of variation in terms of the fertility factors as regards the analysis of the semen.

Some of the important considerations are concentration, sperm count, motility,  volume, and morphology.

As far as each of these parameters is concerned,  if the results come normal then this will not interfere with your chances of conception as a couple,  but in case any of these is not normal then you must consult your sexologist for the same.

So, what is a Semen analysis?

Analysis of the semen gives you off brief about the quantity and quality of the sperm. There are various do that are measured in order to understand how well the sperm is performing.

The job of the sperm is to basically navigate through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes and therefore fertilize the egg. If the sperm count is good then it can help to conceive a baby in no time.

It is best to visit a sexologist in order to understand how whole process works does and get your sperm analysis done. The most basic test carried out will help analyze the overall health of the sperm and the treatment ahead.

Depending upon the factors that contribute to the overall health of sperm, a general analysis can help to answer some of the following questions.

What are the quality and the quantity of sperm being produced?

Out of the number of sperms being produced, how many of them are able to fertilize the egg?

Are there any more tests required to investigate the issues related to males and fertility besides sperm count?

Is one required to make any Lifestyle changes so as to improve upon the overall health and quality of their sperm so that they can lead a more fruitful married life?