Five Signs That You Need To Visit A Sexologist Right Now

Five Signs That You Need To Visit A Sexologist Right Now

One of the essential components of good health is being sexually healthy. Even though sexual disorders are prevailing highly in the general public, sexual concerns remain unreported due to the stigma attached to it.

In today’s era, talking about your sexual health should not be a thing to be ashamed of. It might surprise you how widely your problems resonate with people.

A sexologist is a specialist who examines sexual behaviors and feelings and conforms to any issue that they have related to their sexual life, focusing on improving it.

A Sexologist to your Rescue

Many people don’t even consider talking about their sexual health, but little do they know that this can benefit their relationship in ways they can’t even think of. So, keeping that in mind, we present to you some of the sexual concerns a sexologist can help with.

  • Desire or libido disorders

Lack of sexual desires is a psychiatric disorder where a person can experience the absence of sexual fantasies and reduced pleasure during intercourse. Couples should not think twice about visiting a doctor when the symptoms have been prevalent for more than six months.

  • Arousal disorders

In arousal disorders, people feel sexual desires but are unable to be aroused or, in other words, may lack physical response to sexual stimulation. It may result in unrewarding sexual intercourse, which makes it painful and difficult. A sexologist can quickly diagnose the problem with a brief knowledge of the patient’s history and description.

  • Orgasm dysfunction

Orgasm disorders is a condition which occurs when someone feels difficulty in reaching orgasm. It mainly happens when a person is sexually aroused and is having an adequate amount of sexual stimulation. There can be many causes of this dysfunction, and one can take the help of a sexologist to find out the underlying cause of the problem.

  • Pain disorders

Pain disorders are genital pain or extreme discomfort during sexual intercourse, resulting in reduced sexual desires. Lots of women face this problem but refuse to take help because of hesitation. Little do they know that an excellent medical routine can help them resolve this problem to a lot extent.

  • Hormone deficiency

Sexual hormones can play a significant role in your sex life. The lack of enough estrogen in females and testosterone in males can be problematic as these hormones control sexual organs and reproductive systems, both women and men. This condition is treatable and generally responds well to medical treatment.

The Bottom Line

A satisfying sex life plays a vital role in keeping you healthy for many reasons. Physical and mental elements of a wholesome sex life have unimaginable benefits, including reduced stress, lower blood pressure, and good heart health. Sexual disorders may lead to eternal relationship problems, lack of confidence, and negative thoughts.

Taking the help of a sexologist can help the couples have an open conversation about their problems to help you out through your worries. Ayush health clinic is one of the best places where you can find a solution for your private life. With an honest conversation and excellent medical service, they will help you with definitive treatment.