Female Sexual Dysfunctions: An Obstacle In The Way Of Happiness

Female Sexual Dysfunctions-An Obstacle In The Way Of Happiness

Almost 90% of women experience a sexual problem at some point in life. While in some women, it occurs in a certain sexual situation, others deal with these problems their whole life. For problems in Orgasm, arousal, to sexually transmitted diseases, and pain, these sexual dysfunctions can affect relationships and life as well. Sexual problems like these effects both the physiological and emotional health of women and decrease the quality of life.

Fortunately, with the treatments available today, these sexual problems are curable. The best thing is the patients get full mental support throughout the treatment process. The doctors understand the need to find out the root cause of the disease and offer treatment accordingly.

Common causes of sexual dysfunction in women

In contrary to the myth that sexual problems only affect sex life, the actual truth is not that simple. Today, more than 50% of women suffer from sexual diseases. The truth is many of them do not even speak about it. Fortunately, medical science has opened many doorways for these women. Research shows how even heart diseases and cancer can lead to sexual dysfunction. So let us find out what are the most common factors that contribute to sexual dissatisfaction in women.

  • Mental health and social factors –Women who experience sexual crises or sexual abuse often suffer from the sexual aversion disorder. Anxiety and depression are some other factors that lead to this problem as well. Other than these issues, constant conflict between partners about sex sometimes diminishes the sexual desire in a woman.
  • Physiological causes-A number of diseases and medications can lead to sexual dysfunction. Kidney failure, bladder problem, etc. Are among those diseases. Medications like anti-depressants and chemotherapy drugs can also lead to female orgasmic or arousal disorders.
  • Hormonal- Lower estrogen level is one of the main cause behind sexual problems in many women. Decreased hormonal level after giving birth or after menopause often results in vaginal dryness and decreased sexual desire.

Symptoms of Sexual dissatisfaction that women should not ignore

Like the difference in every sex-related problems, the symptoms vary too. Here are four common symptoms of sexual dysfunction.

  • Orgasmic disorder- Persistent delay in achieving orgasm in women is a clear symptom when it comes to sexual problems.
  • Sexual pain and discomfort- Constant pain and discomfort during any vaginal contact is often the first sign when it comes to sexual problems.
  • Arousal disorder- Inability to become aroused or maintain arousal during sexual activity is a common problem today. With many factors behind it, this symptom must not be overlooked when it comes to sexual wellness.
  • Low sexual desire- Lack of sexual interest is a clear symptom of a sexual problem in women. And Sexual avoidance can be a major problem in marriage. Ignoring this symptom not only makes a woman dissatisfied but can even lead to marital discord.

When to visit a doctor: Diagnosis and Treatment

A healthy sexual relationship brings happiness in life and when you are suffering from a problem that is disrupting your personal life, it’s time to visit a doctor. Thankfully, our goal at ‘Ayush Health Clinic’ is the complete satisfaction of our patients with effective treatments offered by our skilled doctors.

Before any treatment, our doctors order blood tests to see if there is an underlying cause behind sexual dysfunction. The Patient’s medical and sexual history is also evaluated to figure out the core problem. After the Diagnosis and proper check-up, patients are suggested the treatment that will be best for their problem. Remember, your life is in your hands, so do not hesitate to ask a question and let us restore your happiness and health.