Feel uneasy to perform sexual activity? Contact Sexologists

A sexology consultation can be done individually or as a couple. It relies on your condition and your fondness.

The sexologist welcomes you in a safe and caring environment.

They will listen to you attentively.

There will be no judgment. She will help you identify and understand your difficulties or your sexual and relational goals.

She will offer you ideas for reflection, practical exercises, or resources adapted to your needs. She will support you in your process of change or improvement.

What are some common problems people encounter?

Among the most common problems for which people consult sexology are:

Desire issues: People may have different, fluctuating, or low levels of sexual desire. They may also have difficulty feeling or arousing desire in another.

Satisfaction issues: People may have different or incompatible sexual expectations or preferences. They may also have difficulty expressing or satisfying their desires or those of the other.

Functioning problems: People may have pain, infections, allergies, incontinence, or other physical conditions that affect their sexuality.

They should also required to improve their sexual issues by hormonal balance and daily physical activity which improves their stamina.

Pleasure problems: People may have little awareness of their own or another’s body. They may also be afraid to explore or experiment with new sexual sensations or practices.

Intimacy issues: People may feel emotionally disconnected or distant from each other. They may lack intimacy, affection or support. They may also feel alone, isolated or misunderstood in their sexual relationship.

Why and when should you consult a sexologist?

If you or someone you know is experiencing relationship, romantic or sexual difficulties, it may be appropriate to contact a sexologist in Bangalore.

There are many reasons for consultation: romantic and emotional difficulties, gender identity and sexual orientation, sexual dysfunction, sexual violence and in romantic relationships, physical and sexual health, psychosexual development, mental health and sexuality, dependence and compulsivity, birth planning and perinatal life, diversity of sexual practices, etc.

What should you expect if you choose to take action with a sexologist?

Duration of follow-up

The usual duration of a session with a sexologist varies between 20 and 30 minutes for individual follow-up and between 30 and 40 minutes for couple follow-up.

The first sessions will allow an assessment to be made with a view to creating an appropriate intervention or treatment plan and establishing a relationship of trust.

The duration of sexological follow-up varies depending on the needs of the clientele, their objectives and their progress and can be readjusted over time.

Private consultation

All interventions have their usefulness, importance and relevance depending on the person consulting and their context.

Depending on your needs, you may want to start follow-up with a psychotherapist sexologist or with a person providing support intervention.

Supportive intervention:

Supportive intervention is help aimed at coping with common life difficulties and providing support to improve the person’s sexual health.

It involves in particular reassuring, providing advice and providing information related to the person’s condition or the situation experienced.