Experiencing problems during sexual activities? Visit sexologists

Experiencing problems during sexual activities

A person’s entire well-being is greatly influenced by their sexual health, yet difficulties during sexual activity are not unusual. 

Sexual dysfunctions may have a serious negative effect on people and their relationships, whether the problems are related to arousal, desire, orgasm, or something else entirely. 

Enhancing one’s sexual health and general quality of life requires an understanding of these dysfunctions and the right assistance to be sought.

When we talk about “sexual dysfunction” we are referring to a series of difficulties that can occur during sexual intercourse. 

To better understand these dysfunctions it is useful to remember that, in both men and women, the sexual response can be divided into four phases:

  • The Phase of Desire: Characterized by romantic imaginations and a strong desire for sexual activity on both a mental and bodily level. Changes in neurotransmitters, such as elevated dopamine and decreased serotonin, contribute to the stimulation of desire.
  • The Phase of Arousal: Consists of sensations that are sensual and sexually arousing together with other physiological responses like vaginal wetness among women and erection in males. This stage relies on a neurovascular feedback mechanism that enhances vaginal blood flow, which leads to mucous membrane lubrication and the development of vasocongestion.
  • The Phase of Orgasm: The sexual climax is reached and the sexual desires are characterized by very strong and irresistible genital sensations. The anal sphincter and perineal muscles contract and relax rhythmically.
  • The Stage of Resolution: After orgasm, the sensation of well-being and muscle relaxation, is associated with it. Men are in a state of sexual inactivity while women get aroused the moment there is new input.

Sexual dysfunctions that affect either the male or the female can encompass one or more of these phases and can be generalized, which refers to the case where the dysfunction affects all partners and situations or can be situational, where the dysfunction affects only one partner or a certain type of sexual activity. 

They are also categorized as primary if they occur at the first instance of sex and secondary if develop at some given later in life.

Common Sexual Disorders in Women

  • Hypoactive desire disorder: absence of sexual fantasies and desires, being treated by using CBT or with medication.
  • Sexual aversion disorder: Patients with severe anxiety or repulsion to touch, especially sexual touching, used exposure therapy where patients are gradually exposed to situations that trigger these responses.
  • Arousal disorder: impairment in the ability to reach or sustain arousal in sexual activity that is treated by counseling or hormones.
  • Orgasm disorder: issues that might lead to erection problems due to physical or mental factors that are treated by therapy or medications.
  • Dyspareunia: sexual intercourse pain, which may require medical treatment involving the use of psychotherapy.
  • Vaginismus: vaginismus, which may be controlled with the help of cognitive-behavioral therapy or through medication if there is an organic cause.

Common Sexual Disorders in Men

  • Desire disorder
  • Aversion disorder
  • Arousal disorder (erectile dysfunction)
  • Orgasm disorders: premature ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation, painful ejaculation.

Treatment for both men and women often involves cognitive-behavioral therapy or medical intervention tailored to the specific disorder and its underlying causes, aiming to enhance sexual health and well-being.

Who Can Address Sexual Dysfunctions?

Whatever sexual disorder it is, – who can you talk to about it? –

It is difficult to talk to friends and family, often due to the fear of feeling judged or more simply due to embarrassment and shame. 

On the other hand, sometimes even with your partner, it can be complicated to deal with sexual problems, with the risk of ending up accusing each other.

Addressing sexual disorders with a professional sexologist, however, first of all, allows you to define the nature of the problem, identifying any therapeutic interventions when necessary or encouraging the spontaneous resolution of the sexual disorder.

In conclusion, having difficulties during sex is a widespread condition that can have an impact on people’s relationships. 

Overcoming these obstacles and improving sexual health and general well-being can be accomplished by being aware of sexual dysfunctions, getting the right therapy, and seeing a sexologist in Bangalore

Don’t allow fear or shame to prevent you from getting the help you require to have happy and successful relationships with people.