Do Not Worry: Erectile Dysfunction Is Treatable

ayush health clinic

Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a buzz kill for men and women alike, because of the inability of a man to retain an erect penis during an intercourse. This may occur due to a multitude of reasons, most common of which are over drinking alcohol, medications, chronic diseases or illness, poor blood flow into penis or simply being too tired. However, this situation is very much treatable!

Reasons For ED:

If you are facing ED time and again, then it is not nervousness, rather you could be facing one or more of the following issues, apart from the ones already mentioned above:

Diabetes: Uncontrolled sugar levels can damage the blood vessels and nerves and interfere with sex hormones.

Nerve and brain disorders: Major neurological diseases including the Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s stroke, MS play a major role in reducing the brain activity and hence hinder the flow of blood into the required areas.

Surgery: Most of the surgeries end up affecting more areas than that intended. This also contributes to ED.

Prostate enlargement: As men age, their prostate glands enlarge which sometimes cause ED.

Needless to mention, most of the men of all ages face this issue and can be treated easily. You may want to visit the local doctor and the treatment will be on the way.

What to expect at the clinic?

The treatment could involve a series of questions based on the experience or conditions faced and depending upon the diagnosis of ED, sometimes the patient may need to undergo few physical and medical examinations.

Physical scrutiny: Basically, the doctor would carefully examine the testicles and penis, and also check for the nerves and blood vessels that may or may not be damaged.

Blood tests: This step would involve looking for possible underlying health diseases, including the cardiac functions, hormone levels and diabetes.

Urine test: This examination would help diagnose if there is any kidney related disorder in the patient, because that also causes ED.

Testing the psychological condition of the patient is also important and is often carried out. The underlying mental issues could also cause ED time and again.

Treating ED:

Treatment for each patient would vary and would depend upon the diagnosis as carried out by the doctor. It would either involve the use of medications to immediately treat the condition, which is ED, or would involve the treatment of the condition causing ED.

Basic treatment would involve the usage of oral medications or other medications like self-injection (of supplementary hormones) or even the usage of urethral suppository.

If the above medications are not appropriate for the patient’s case, the doctors sometime recommend the usage of penis pumps, surgery, or implants to help treat ED.

Exercise being an important part of the daily schedule, is often encouraged and is even a natural source of treatment for multiple diseases including ED.

Sometimes even herbal medicines are employed for naturally treating ED with no or very less side effects.

Finally, counseling plays a major role in the ED treatment because sometimes it is just the mental state that affects the sexual state, thereby causing ED.

Hence, erectile dysfunction, is a common phenomenon and is very easily treatable, depending upon the patient’s diagnosis and the type of treatment available and also depends upon the type of treatment the patient is willing to take. If you are suffering from this condition, know that few other men do, as well. All you have to do is, visit a doctor and you are good to go. Contact Ayush Health Clinic for erectile dysfunction treatment in Bangalore