Consult Infertility Doctors Before Things Get Worst

Consult Infertility Doctors Before Things Get Worst

Pregnancy Can Be a Challenge for Some 

Planning a pregnancy is a big leap in a couple’s life and can be quite a challenge especially if you have been trying for a while and not achieving any positive results. If you are mentally prepared for a child but encounter problems that cause hurdle to your conceiving for more than six months then it is time to explore other options. But while you may be anxious about not conceiving, do not overlook the fact that the issue may lie with either of the two. It is often women who are said to have conception related problems. But that’s not true. There is a number of males also encounter infertility problem due to various reasons. 

It is better to consult an infertility doctor before things get out of hand. Here are a few points that you should look out for, that may tell you that it’s time to visit your doctor. If you had an intimate relationship for more than 6 months to one year and yet there are no signs of conceiving, then it is time that you see your doctor and discuss the possible causes of the same. The rule of thumb is that it takes a couple 6-8 months to conceive. If you are under 35 and have been indulging in unprotected sex for more than 8 months without any result, then it is a cause of concern. 

As your age increases, a women’s chances of conception become grim. With age, the quality and number of eggs produced drops considerably. This results in low fertility levels. Similarly in men also the chances of producing active sperms go down. Also in women after 40 there is a high risk of miscarriage and low fertility and while conceiving one must consult a specialist for sure. 

If you have faced a miscarriage at some point then your chances reduce further. Many times, miscarriage is likely to happen because the egg or sperm did not have the right number of chromosomes and that results in the fertilized egg not developing normally. Another common reason behind miscarriage can also be due to early development problems in the uterus. The egg doesn’t implant itself properly in the uterus or has certain structural defects.

Another concerning issue that may be a sign of infertility is irregular periods or heavy bleeding. Many women face this issue at an early age and have irregularity in their periods. There is various cause for the same. It is likely that you may be having trouble ovulating or your brain sends the wrong signals. Also, irregular periods are associated with fibroid in the uterus. Many women have a problem of PCOD and then to have irregular periods. Visiting a doctor for the same can help solve your problem and get you on the right track. 

Tensed because of Infertility? Infertility problem made your nights sleepless? Then visit us we Ayush Health Clinic have infertility doctors who will prescribe you and your partner some tests and according to the test report, they will give treatment. Our infertility doctors in Bangalore are trusted and recognized for offering great results.