Consult a sexologist for low sexual drive

Consult a sexologist for low sexual drive

When you’re concerned about a lack of sexual desire, you can feel isolated. A lack of sex drive can make simply talking about sex with a partner feel awkward, especially when they are the people you turn to for most of your other needs.

There is nothing wrong with not feeling like you’re having sex with your significant other. Here are some possible reasons for lack of low sexual drive and advice on how to find and talk to a professional about it.

Factors that can affect your low sexual drive

An individual’s sexual desire can be severely affected by a wide range of elements, including those related to their physical well-being, psychological well-being, and the physical environment.

Stress and exhaustion are two of the most prevalent causes of decreased sexual desire. Problems in romantic relationships, such as misaligned sexual expectations or a lack of emotional connection, can also be blamed.

SELF previously revealed that a woman’s libido might be influenced by her menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopausal hormone swings.

According to sexologist, several common prescription medications can impact your libido, including certain hormonal contraceptives and antidepressants.

If you’re single and having a blast in three distinct spheres of your life, it’s possible that sex and intimacy aren’t at the top of your priority list. If you don’t mind, you can go ahead and do it!

Low sex desire makes it challenging to engage in intimate physical contact with your partner. This can occur for various reasons, including changes in hormones, the use of certain drugs, and the effects of stress and exhaustion.

 It is best to get help if your lack of sexual desire has become an ongoing problem in your life.

Many physiological issues might impair your libido or prevent you from engaging in sexual activity.

Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and inability to penetrate while having an erection are common issues that daily affect men’s sexual health and well-being.

Visit a sexologist to learn more about the illness and the various treatment options available, even if you are prescribed medication.

Vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, vaginal trauma, and vaginismus are examples of this type of condition in women.

Time to observe someone with a low libido

Experts recommend seeing a sexologist if you’re concerned about your lack of sexual desire or if it’s causing problems in your relationship.

Some health conditions may cause an inability to feel pleasure in one’s body, but regular sexual activity can be healthy. To paraphrase a leading sexologist, “it’s a crucial aspect of your health,”

However, bear in mind that you should only seek professional help if you perceive your libido to be an issue. There is nothing wrong with you or your sexual drive if you are being made to believe that your libido is not “high enough” by someone like your lover.

There are two possibilities here: either you or your partner are making assumptions based on their libido, or your libido has changed over time, but it is a shift with which you are comfortable.

However, you shouldn’t feel compelled to speak with someone about a change in your sexual drive.

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