Commonly found male infertility problems

Commonly found male infertility problems

Commonly found male infertility problems

Infertility in men is a common condition and has been on an increase due to a changed way of life and highly stressful job responsibilities. 

Infertility is mostly caused when there is an imbalance in the way you eat, the lifestyle that you lead exposure to the extreme amount of stress.

Is primarily referred to as a condition that arises out of the biological inability of a man to contribute to conception?

Infertility can also be attributed to certain known and unknown reasons that arise when a woman is unable to conceive within one year of trying for a child.

There is a wide range of both emotional as well as physical factors that may contribute to infertility.

Both men and women are seen equally affected by this and the best thing to do is to visit a sexologist as soon as you realize that there is an issue conceiving. 

Most couples try to delay this and therefore the problem gets worse.

Some of the common causes and risk factors involved that contribute to infertility in men are as follows.

One of the causes of reduced male fertility is the decrease in sperm count.  When this happens, the sperms that are produced are not able to meet the egg and contribute to the conception process.

The sperms thus produced, may also be blocked and therefore are not released in the right way. This could also lead to the inability to complete the process of conception.

On the other hand, in certain cases, the sperm quality also depletes, and therefore even though the sperm meets the egg it is unable to produce the right result.

Some of the other commonly found reasons for male infertility are high exposure to environmental pollution and substance abuse.

Exposure Pollution of any sort can lead to certain chemicals being present in the body that causes hindrance to the male reproductive system.

Also, many men indulge in substance abuse,  drinking,  and smoking to a high extent and this can prove to be detrimental to their overall health and well-being as well as when it comes to voicing conception with their partner.

Few other conditions may include an imbalance in the hormone, too much alcohol use, certainly such as cancer or any other serious disease, infection, age-related ailments, and also sexually transmitted diseases.

Infertility in men is a problem that is treatable in most conditions. This especially holds true for men of younger age. 

What is required is to try and seek professional help at the earliest. We recommend that men who are trying to have a child with their partner and unsuccessful for a year, should get medical help and not delay it any further.

This way the real root cause can be detected and one can get the right cure for their condition. Infertility in men is something that they do not like to discuss in the open, but visiting an Infertility specialist in Bangalore can really help and get you the right support that keeps your condition a secret as well as gives you the right treatment also