Circumcision: How Can You Prepare For It?

Circumcision How Can You Prepare For It

Circumcision is the procedure of removing the foreskin – the thin gland that covers the head of the male penis – through medical surgery. 

The process is often carried out on newborns, and rarely in adults due to the complexity of the procedure that increases with age. 

There are many factors that affect a male’s decision to circumcise, from religious reasons to more personal and medical reasons, such as balanitis, balanoposthitis, phimosis and so on.

Preparing for the Surgery

It is important that the patient is mentally and physically prepared for the surgery in order to minimize discomfort during the operation.

Due to the procedure being carried out in a sensitive part of the body, there are several steps of preparation that a patient is suggested to follow in order to have a smooth surgery.

For parents:

Based on your child’s age, nurses will give specific instructions on what can be consumed prior to the operation.

Given below are common instructions for drinking and eating before the surgery:

  • Infants older than 12 months: The night before the surgery, do not give your child any solid foods or non-clear liquids after midnight in order to ensure smooth digestion. Examples include milk, infant formula, chewing gum, candy or juices with pulp.
  • Infants under than 12 months: Babies can be given formula up to 6 hours before the scheduled arrival time, and can also be breastfed four hours before the arrival time.
  • A general instruction is that children consume only clear liquids up to 2 hours before the arrival time – such as water, translucent juices like apple or white grape juice.
  • In the 2 hours prior to the scheduled arrival time, ensure that your child doesn’t consume anything.
  • It’s also suggested that you bring along a ‘comfort’ item – like a stuffed toy – for your child to hold on before and after surgery.

For older males and adults circumcision procedures in Bangalore:

  • Avoiding consuming food and drinks at least 6 hours before surgery. However, patients who are going under general anaesthetic will be offered a few sips of water just prior to the surgery.
  • For adult men, ensure that the pubic area is shaved and clean. It is recommended that you wear tight fitted briefs to wear post-surgery which will keep the surgical dressing in its place.
  • For patients who are receiving local anaesthetic, it is recommended to drink and eat as normal in order to keep the body hydrated.
  • Ensure that there’s transport arranged for your return back home after operation – you can either ask help from a relative or a friend, or a taxi.
  • Don’t smoke or drink 48 hours before and after the surgery, as smoking slows down healing and recovery, and alcohol will reduce the effectiveness of the anesthesia.

Following the above recommended steps for preparation will ensure a safe and smooth procedure.

At Ayush Clinic, medical professionals for circumcision surgery in bangalore,  ensure that you’re guided on the procedure, and are provided a safe and comfortable environment for the operation.