Top 5 tips from best sexologist for better sexual health

Sexologists argue that a person’s reproductive health is just as important as physical health but is rarely given the attention it deserves. In addition to being a physical requirement, leading a sexually satisfying and fulfilling life has numerous other benefits.…

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Signs of sexual disorders in men

A sexual disorder is a physical or psychological problem that prevents you or your partner from reaching sexual satisfaction. Treatment from sexologist can often help men with sexual disorders. The main types of sexual disorders are: • Erectile disorder (difficulty…

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Struggling with sexual issues? Meet sexologist

Difficulties in sexual life are not uncommon. One in three women under the age of 40 experience problems with sex. At 40-60 years old, this occurs with the same frequency, and after 60 – in every second. This statistic also…

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7 Tips to get The Best Sexologist in Bangalore

Are you having problems that you believe are affecting your sex life? So, you want to eliminate them as soon as possible. Suppose you have sexual issues and are prepared to do everything to find a solution. It’s essential to…

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The stigma attached to sexual problems and their cure

When it comes to sexuality in a relationship, there are a lot of speculations involved. The reason why a couple is sexually involved is not just because of reproduction but also because they want to fulfill their sexual desires.  Being…

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A Sexologist Can Help Overcome Performance Anxiety

An intimate relationship is something that one should be comfortable in and it should be enjoyable. But if you are constantly worrying about intimacy and sex with your partner then there is an underlying problem that needs to be identified.…

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Erectile Dysfunction- Know the Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Erectile Dysfunction has been a growing menace in recent times with an increase in work-life and living style issues. This sexual health issue is mainly faced by males and this often causes a number of psychological problems for them. Along…

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Get semen analysis to cure infertility issues

Infertility issues are one of the growing concerns for men today. There are numerous reasons why a person may develop infertility issues and it is important to get this condition rectified by a specialist at the earliest. One of the…

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