Breaking Myths with Insights from Skilled Sexologists

Breaking Myths with Insights from Skilled Sexologists

A sexologist is a profession that is not yet well-known. Although most of the people have come across the name of this profession, only a few are able to determine what exactly this specialist does and what problems you can turn to him for. It is therefore explained when and with what ailments or questions you should go to a sexologist.

What does a sexologist do?

A sexologist is an expert in the field of sexology, which is a branch of medicine devoted to a person’s sexual health: their needs, sexual life, relationships, as well as any irregularities or even pathologies in this area. Sexology is closely related to other segments of knowledge, such as psychology, sociology, and law.  

Most sexologists also have a specific medical specialization – they usually have a urologist, gynecologist or internist diploma. Psychology graduates can also perform this profession. In both cases, completion of postgraduate studies in sexology is required. 

From the patient’s perspective, this difference turns out to be quite significant, as it entails a specific therapeutic path. A sexologist in Bangalore with a diploma in psychology, on the other hand, will be focused on helping with emotions. 

Of course, if necessary, every good specialist will decide to refer the patient for further diagnostic tests – sometimes seemingly quite distant from the basic problem. 

When should you go to a sexologist? 

Therapy with a sexologist arouses such strong fears in people that most of the people do not even try to ask yourself how they could actually help you. 

Meanwhile, the range of sexological services is extremely wide. Even if you do not feel any need to contact such a specialist at the moment, it is worth remembering this profession for the future. 

So who should consider consulting a sexologist? 

Practically anyone who feels any discomfort at the thought of their sexual life. In the case of men, it is very often about problems in the area of sexual performance: erectile dysfunction, ejaculation or a general decrease in libido. Many men also go to a sexologist because they do not accept their sexual orientation or have problems with their gender identity. 

What does an examination by a sexologist look like?

The sexologist begins the examination with a thorough interview. You can expect questions about your general health, medications you are taking, past illnesses, or injuries you have suffered. Then you will be asked to describe the issue that prompted you to come to the office.

Many people wonder whether you have to undress to see a sexologist. As it is mentioned earlier, this profession is often performed by urologists. In justified cases, it may happen that you will be offered a physical examination by a sexologist with medical education. 

Regardless of the patient’s problem, the specialist should demonstrate tact, calmness, and impartiality. Although the first visit to a sexologist can be accompanied by considerable stress, it is important to realize that the ability to contact another person is an integral part of this profession. 

Last words

Some sexologists offer not only individual therapy, but also sessions for couples. This is a great opportunity to talk about the difficulties and expectations in a relationship under the watchful eye of an expert. If one partner has sexual problems, the observations of the other side will serve as a valuable diagnostic clue.