An Overview On How Men’s Sexual Health And Obesity Are Linked

An Overview On How Men’s Sexual Health And Obesity Are Linked

What are the health benefits of having good sexual health?

Healthy sex life in men helps lower stress levels, blood pressure, and pain. Sex is suitable for your immune system and psychological health. It’s no surprise that sex will also help with longevity. Researchers claim that men who orgasm twice as much in a week have a lower mortality rate than those who climax once per month.

Men or women with active sex lives tend to exercise more frequently and have better nutritional lifestyles than those who are less sexually active. As per sexologist in Bangalore  Physical fitness also improves sexual performance overall. Reviews have found that men who have had more frequent penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI) have a lesser risk of developing prostate cancer.

The quality and health of men’s sperm may increase with increased sexual activity.

How Obesity and men’s sexual health are connected?


Being overweight or obese can cause erectile dysfunctions in males due to the damage to blood vessels. An increase in fat cells decreases testosterone levels and releases estrogen which in turn affects a man’s fertility. Men who have a form of Obesity may have elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure which can ultimately lead to erectile dysfunctions.

We already know how obesity is known to affect the physical body. Weight issues have been also known to lead to hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. All of these symptoms affect the overall bodily functions, causing hormonal imbalances. Imbalances in hormones or certain conditions as stated above can affect male fertility and make them more prone to having an ED.

We now know how weight gains in males disrupt blood vessels, additionally, the penis gets restricts from getting enough blood flow, which makes it rather difficult to produce or sustain an erection for obese males. The most straightforward answer to this could be immediate weight loss.

If weight loss does not help the condition, some men require additional help, where testosterone is prescribed to them in the form of gels, patches, or injections.

What can be done?

As mentioned above, weight loss is an easy solution. Lifestyle changes and having an active daily routine can positively impact your body. Eating healthy, exercising, and not smoking can correct ED in almost all cases. Fitter men have improved erectile function and sexual experiences along with excellent overall health.

Obesity has been connected with stress, eating disorders, behavioral changes too. All these factors when compared to fertility are responsible for having a lower sex drive.

To Summarize: Shedding extra pounds can be challenging, but it is quite possible— with the proven method of diet adjustments and fewer calories. Exercising and burning more calories can show drastic results. Men’s desire for sex, performance, and enjoyment can be affected by their weight and appearance. Many avoid sex altogether.

Thus, trying solutions to fix this state can help improve sexual health and overall body health. When faced with such situations it is always advisable to consult an expert like Ayush Health Clinic to put you on the right track.