A Sexologist Can Help Overcome Performance Anxiety

A Sexologist Can Help Overcome Performance Anxiety

An intimate relationship is something that one should be comfortable in and it should be enjoyable.

But if you are constantly worrying about intimacy and sex with your partner then there is an underlying problem that needs to be identified.

If you want to get that spark right back and enjoy a great relationship with your partner then you must identify what the actual problem is and accordingly deal with it.

In this blog, we talk about sexual anxiety and what exactly it is so that you can be more aware and take necessary actions.

Sex is not just a physical response to your partner’s needs and your own but also has an emotional side to it.

If you are under too much stress then your body may not respond positively to any sexual advances from your partner.

Here is a list of all the possible causes that any lead to performance anxiety in an individual.

Sometimes when your partner’s expectations are not met, you may feel performance anxiety as you are unable to satisfy them.

If you are not physically fit and have a poor image of your body, then it is likely that you may shy away from your partner or get uncomfortable when sharing an intimate moment with them.

Many a rough marriage, issues in your relationship with your partner,   disagreements, and fights can also lead to this condition.

Other causes may include not being able to measure up to your partner because you may be ejaculating early or reaching an organism too quickly.  When these things don’t sync well with your partner’s performance you may feel anxious to have sex.

In each of these conditions, the body is put under a certain degree of stress and this further leads to the release of hormones that interfere with the sex hormones.

So what is the solution?

If you feel that you are experiencing any of the above then it is time to see a doctor, someone who can make you comfortable and understand your condition properly.

A sexologist will carry out some preliminary examinations to rule out the possibility of any other health condition or check for the medication that you may be taking. It is likely that some medicines may affect your sexual performance.

You may also have to answer a few questions related to your sexual history and precisely how long have you been facing the problem of performance anxiety. 

The doctor may also want to know what your thought process is and if any of these thoughts are causing a hindrance to your normal sexual life. Emotional well-being and the thoughts that fill up your mind play a crucial role and should be addressed without delay.

Performance anxiety is not at all a serious condition and can be treated easily. All you need to do is to take that step and visit a sexologist so that you can start leading a happy and blissful life with your partner.