Sexologists better explain Body Positivity Impact on Sexual Health

Sexologists better explain Body Positivity Impact on Sexual Health

A visit to a sexologist can be a stressful and embarrassing experience for many people, as it involves revealing intimate areas. However, in some situations it can be necessary and very helpful. 

It can bring many benefits to both women and men. A psychologist with this specialization will help dispel any doubts and solve problems concerning both the mental and physical spheres. 

Difficulties can affect not only individuals, but also be related to the relationship in which a given person remains. 

It is worth visiting a sexologist when you feel that there is nothing more you can do on your own – talking to your partner or professional literature has not helped and you need the advice of a specialist.

Problems that can be addressed to a specialist

A sexologist provides advice on various issues, as they usually also have knowledge in the field of psychiatry, gynecology, or urology. You can go to them with problems such as:

  • Erectile dysfunction,
  • Premature or delayed ejaculation,
  • Increased or decreased sexual drive,
  • Uneasinessat the time of intercourse or incapabilityof having intercourse,
  • Unsatisfactory intercourse,
  • Sex addiction,
  • Lack of orgasm or difficulty achieving it,
  • Gender identity disorders, lack of acceptance of one’s sexual orientation,
  • Prejudice against all sexual activities,
  • Prevention of penetration by involuntary contraction of the muscles at the vaginal entrance, the so-called vaginismus.

People with a poor mental state resulting from trauma such as rape or sexual harassment, which resulted in suicidal thoughts, should also seek help from a sexologist in Bangalore

Consultation can also be used when you lack knowledge on a topic and want to obtain information from a reliable source. Such a visit may concern first intercourse, safe contraception or complexes related to the physical sphere of a person. 

Which specialist will be best?

People considering seeing a sexologist can seek help from different specialists, depending on the problems they are struggling with. A sexologist focuses on the biological aspect of sexual life. 

They conduct the necessary tests and possibly prescribe the necessary medications. However, if the problems concern the psychological sphere and therapeutic help is needed, it is worth visiting a sexologist, psychologist or psychotherapist.  

What can you expect during your visit and what does a consultation look like?

You can use a sexologist’s consultation individually, but some problems require you to make an appointment with your partner and discuss certain issues together. Sexological help can be a one-time meeting or a longer therapy, especially if the problem is psychological in nature. 

Last words

Many people are terrified by the prospect of talking to a stranger about such intimate issues. However, it is important to remember that you are dealing with a professional. 

During the first visits, the sexologist will conduct a detailed interview to find the source of the problem. 

There may be questions about childhood, relationships with loved ones (parents and siblings), history of illnesses and those in the family, frequency of masturbation and sexual contact, sexual initiation, satisfaction with intercourse or personal beliefs about sex. 

Only honest answers will allow the sexologist to make the right diagnosis.

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