Are you experiencing problems in your Sex Life? Do not fear because we are here!
Are you experiencing sexual problems in your life? Have you ever felt the lack of intimacy in your marital life? Have you ever questioned your relationship and blamed the issues on your bodily needs? If you have nodded to any of these questions, then you need to see a sexologist. If you are a resident of Chennai, then we have the perfect solution for you. You do not have to get scared of the problems you are facing. We, at Ayush Health Clinic, ensure that you get the best treatment for your problems, and hence we have the best sexologist in Chennai visiting us daily. We aim at providing the highest quality treatment with the best modes of therapies for all the people suffering from sex-related problems. We are geared up with the excellent equipment available and offer X-Ray, Ultrasonography, and Doppler Study. Our staff members will be more than happy to help you get over your sexual problems. So, walk in and consult the best sexologist in Chennai only at Ayush Health Clinic.
How is your sexual life disturbed?
Healthy intimate living is a sign of a competent couple who understand each other’s woes and stand through tough times together. Intimacy in a relationship is affected by several external factors. If you let these factors cloud your sex life, then you will experience a lot of problems. The most common factors which affect your sex life are tiredness and fatigue. There is no straightforward method to cure these factors, but you can get the best consultation on how to tackle these from the best sexologists in Chennai at Ayush Health Clinic. Here are some of the common ways in which your sex life can get disturbed:
Working for long hours: Intimacy in a relationship can get affected by an unhealthy lifestyle. Working for long hours makes you sick both mentally and physically. You get fatigued and tired after a long day’s work, and this affects your sex life.
Over the top drinking: Though it is a well-known fact that wine acts as an aphrodisiac, drinking alcohol out of limits will inevitably affect your sex life. A high level of alcohol consumption makes your bloated. Water retention is at an all-time high, and this leads to you feeling tired and sluggish most of the time.
Hormonal Imbalance: If your hormones are not being appropriately secreted, then you are bound to feel tired and sluggish all day. Under secretion of hormones leads to fatigue and hence disturbs your sex life.
Depression: If you are suffering from anxiety and depression, then you will most probably feel tired even if you think of intimate acts. So, you know it is high time to get a mental check-up!
Factors like depression and tiredness most likely get the best of you. But it would be best if you understood that intimacy is a necessity in a relationship. Though it is not freely spoken about, every competent relationship needs the spice of intimacy to keep things smooth between the partners. If you feel that you are suffering from any of the issues mentioned above, feel free to give Ayush Health Clinic a call. We will be related to help you get rid of your problems!
How can you make your sex life jump back on tracks?
You get blessed with a partner who understands you and stands beside you in difficult times. So, learn to nurture a bond with your partner. Stop playing the blame game, and always look at the bigger picture of life. Always remember that intimacy is a necessity in a relationship. Dr. Aziim Ahamed Roy, the sexologist at Ayush Health Clinic, believes that intimacy should be followed duly in a relationship. Being the best sexologist in Chennai, he has seen a lot of people come and confront him about their problems. The first advice which you should implement in your relationship is that you have to bring in the ‘trust’ factor. Here are some tips listed out to make your sex life better:
Trust Factor is of utmost importance.
Stop playing the blame game.
Address the stresses you go through with your partner.
Share your emotions and express them in the most naked way. You should not cloud your feelings from the one whom you love.
Accept the tough times and make sure you get through them with your partner. When you face hardships, it makes your bond stronger.
Remember the fact that intimacy will not be expressed at the same levels every time. Stop expecting the things that your partner will not be able to deliver.
Try to keep the spark alive. Go on a romantic date and make sure you have intimate moments at regular intervals.
Consult a professional sexologist if you are still having problems.
If you keep these points in mind, then your sex life will soon be back on track. If you still face any problems and have queries regarding your sex life, then we have the sexologist in Chennai.
Why is Ayush Health Clinic the answer to all your problems?
We, at Ayush, believe that relationships are treated in a very professional manner. Dr. Aziim Ahamed Roy is the best sexologist in Chennai you may come across. He is experienced and respects the emotions that his visitors have. Ayush Health Centre follows the following
Protocols while addressing sex-related problems:
The right and the best treatment.
All your records are kept secret and are not revealed to anyone else.
The cost that we charge is pretty economical and will not be much of a hassle.
We have an extremely professional staff.
We do not encourage fake bills, unnecessary medicines, and extra charges.
We provide Instant Medical Care in cases of emergencies.
Relationship troubles are very usual. You should not feel alienated, and if you have queries regarding the intimacy factor of your bond, then why fear when we are here! We have the best sexologist in Chennai. Feel free to walk in and have your problems addressed by the best!