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Communicative medication – The PLISSIT model to solve intimacy issues

We all have heard somewhere in our everyday life that it takes two people to make a relationship work. It is indeed true and undeniable. But what we fail to admit is that some intimacy and sexual issues take more than just the partners’ involvement. Sexuality is a broad subject that covers every gender’s sexual needs, though it is expressed in different ways. Out there exist many sexologists and sexual health experts to help people who struggle to fix their sexual lives for better.
If you are in search of the best sexologists in Delhi who can help your sexual life flourish with your partner, Ayush Health Clinic is the place to be.

Why do sexual intimacy issues crop?

Sexual intimacy is largely dependent on how the partners communicate their sexual desires and needs, how their level of closeness is correlated and how emotionally and sexually dependent they are during intercourse. However, this level of understanding is not always prevalent amongst partners.
Issues like lack of self-esteem, decreased sex drive, struggling with sexual performance, performance anxiety are all psychological factors that lead to sexual intimacy problems. But, what precedes that is the lack of expression about the partners’ sexual expectations. The gap in communication is primarily the reason for many sexual intimacy issues.

Ayush Health Clinic helps in making sexual partners understand their individual needs and then coalesce it to solve it collectively. This is why Ayush Health Clinic in Delhi is known popularly for their individualistic attention to every patient even before they commence medication.

Breaking down the PLISSIT model of patient intervention.

Every sexology practitioner may have come across the PLISSIT model. It is a framework that deals with the varying levels of patient intervention about their sexuality and sexual well being.

Permission – Every patient is individualistic and has problems of their own. The Permission level allows a sexologist to permit the patient to be openly expressive about their sexual issues that demeans them. This could, alternatively, be called as persuasion to confide the problem that the patient faces. The motive behind this level is to try and solve a patient’s issues that may or may not medication. The sexologist is expected to be an observing, patient, and non-judgemental being to understand the patient.

Limited Information – Patients come to consult doctors for a very specific problem. The sexologist should understand the patient’s issue first to provide the necessary information that clarifies doubts about the existing sex issues.

Specific Suggestions – The sexologist gives advice based on the specificity of the sexual issue faced by the patient. The problem would serve as a measure to bring a renewed sense of hope in the patient’s sexual life.

Intensive Therapy – This final level of therapy deals with medical recommendations or professional help that lies beyond the scope of the sexologist. A common example includes seeking counsel from mental health experts to cope with the trauma of negative sexual experiences.

What Ayush Health Clinic expects from its patients?
Of all the sexual health centres, Ayush Health Clinic is a renowned place in Delhi that is appreciated by many. At Ayush Health Clinic, doctors foster open communication to their patients before diagnosing any sexual illnesses or problems. Once the patient breaks his inner barriers and talks about their sexuality and its related problems, our doctors will counsel them and if necessary, recommend further treatment.

Ayush Health Clinic in Delhi consists of the best sexologists in the country who are determined to solve any sex-related issues

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